Aim: to determine the prevalence depression, anxiety and stress among COVID-19 patients admitted in SKIMS Medical College Bemina.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study done in SKIMS Medical College Bemina from April 2020, to July 2021 after taking ethical approval. SKIMS Medical College was designated as COVID hospital from March 2020 for more than 1 year. Patients admitted in hospital with COVID infection. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants. Two groups were formed. (Group A and Group B). Group A consisted of elderly patients (age more than 60 years) who were admitted in hospital with COVID infection. Group B consisted of young patients (age less than 60 years) who were admitted in hospital with COVID infection. Participants who gave their consent were included in the study. Permission was taken and detailed information was given to the participants regarding the study and how the study would not have any untoward effect on them. Consent was taken from the participants under study and the family in a proper documented form both in English language and in Urdu language. A detail regarding the study was given in the native language to the attendants as well as to the patients. The relevant information about their sociodemographic variables was obtained and the study instruments were administered. The questionnaire was applied face to face by trained staff after taking proper safety precautions.
Results: In our study majority of the participants were males, married with no income, non working almost equally from rural and urban domiciles. In our study prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress was higher in age group of more than 60 years and above and predominantly females.
Conclusion: Our study findings can aid in the reduction of the adverse psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospitalized patients in future.