Background: Now a days major causes of morbidity are psychiatric disorders. In India there is very limited data available related to prescribing pattern of drugs in psychiatric disorders. Prescription monitoring studies provide information related to rational prescribing and evidence based medicine. In our study we focus on prescribing patterns in GAD which is one of the most common reason for patients who visited psychiatric outpatient department of tertiary care hospital to get treatment.
Objective: To check whether prescribing pattern of drugs in GAD is in accordance with WHO drug use prescribing indicators.
Methods: It is prospective observational study conducted over a period of three months in psychiatric outpatient department. Data was collected using patient data collection form, analysed using SAS.9.2 and graphs were drawn using Ms Excel.
Results: Among 60 patients, 25 were diagnosed with GAD. Among 25, 14 members are females and 11members are males. Most of the patients (n=12) are from age group of 41-65 years. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and Benzodiazepines are used to treat this problem. Out of five WHO drug use prescribing indicators only two showed deviation from standard values.
Conclusion: Prescribing pattern in GAD is in mostly in accordance with WHO guidelines. Drugs should be prescribed by generic name and from national essential medicine list to improve rational use.