Practices of dental surgeons in management of deep carious lesion in permanent teeth. findings from a survey based study

Aisha Wali, Syed Zubairuddin Ahmed, Talha M Siddiqui, Amna Naeem, Sarosh umer Farooqi, and Ibad Rahman

Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the practices of the dental surgeons in management of deep carious lesion attending Dental Hospitals in Karachi. Methods: The present survey was carried out from July 2018 – January 2019. The study participants included were dental Practitioners from private and government dental colleges. The study was approved by the Ethical Board Review (ERB), Baqai Dental College. The sample size was calculated by taking 35% prevalence rate a using open epi version 3.03a at 95% confidence level with 5% marginal error. Sample size calculated was 350. A pretested questionnaire was developed consisted of 14 questions in 3 sections. Data was analyzed for frequency and percentages in percentages, by using IBM SPSS Version 22. Results: A total of 350 dental practitioners took part in the survey and only 251 filled the questionnaires completely giving a response rate of 71.7%.Regarding academic qualifications, General dental practitioners 73.3% (n=184), postgraduates: FCPS 15.9% (n=40), MSc 8% (n=20), MDS 2.4% (n=6) and MCPS 0.4 %( n=1). 58.2% dental surgeons preferred complete carious removal when there is no pain and no risk of exposure and 22.3% preferred stepwise excavation. Conclusion: The present study concluded that majority of the Dental Surgeons opted complete caries removal with no pain and no risk of exposure than stepwise excavation. Partial caries removal was the least opted technique by the dental surgeons.

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