Background: Inguinal hernia is a surgical issue that frequently brings patients to surgical OPD. Inguinal hernia surgery is the commonest procedure performed by surgeons worldwide. Most common post operative complain of patients remains groin pain and discomfort.
Aim: To compare the Laparoscopic total extra peritoneal mesh procedure with the Lichtenstein tension free mesh repair in terms of post operative pain frequency and pain score.
Study Design-Randomised Control Study.
Setting and study duration: July 2019 to March 2021. Dept of Surgery, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital
Methods: A total of 100 patients with reducible inguino-scrotal hernia, 20 to 60 years of age were included. Patients with irreducible and recurrent hernia were excluded. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups i.e., Group-A underwent Lichtenstein mesh repair & Group-B who underwent (total extra peritoneal mesh repair) by using lottery method. Patient were admitted for 24 hours and the postoperative pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale.
Results: Average age of patients in group A was 45.88 ± 12.41 years and in group B was 43.79 ± 12.99 years. The most frequent age group in this study was 20-40 years in which 55 (55.0%) patients were present. Post- operative pain was found in 38 (76.0%) patients in group A (Lichtenstein repair) while in group B (TEP repair), it was found in 28 (56.0%) patients with p-value of 0.034.
Conclusion: This study concluded that total extra peritoneal mesh repair results are better in terms of less postoperative pain as that of Lichtenstein mesh repair.