Physicochemical and phytochemical constitutions of rachis of acrostichum aureum l.

Arockia Badhsheeba M and V. Vadivel

Standardisation of crude drug plays a very important role in identifying the purity and quality of crude drugs. The present analysis discloses standardization which includes moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash, petroleum soluble extractive value, benzene soluble extractive value, ethyl acetate soluble extractive value, ethanol soluble extractive value, methanol soluble extractive value and water soluble extractive value. The highest extractive value was recorded in water soluble extract (6.2%).Preliminary screening of phytochemicals is a valuable step, in the detection of the bioactive principles present in medicinal plants and subsequently may lead to drug discovery and development. In the present study, chief phytoconstituents of the Acrostichum aureum L (Fern) medicinal plant of Pteridaceae family were identified in order to relate their presence with bioactivities of the plants. This research findings highlights that methanolic extracts of A. aureum rachis had the highest number of phytochemicals compared to other solvent extracts. Hence, methanolic extracts of A. aureum rachis holds the greatest potential to treat various human diseases and has profound medical applicability.

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