Embelia robusta auct.Non roxb.is the commonly used medicinal plant in the name of vidang. In local, it is called red vidang. But irony is, it is not the true plant of vidang. The true vidang is Embelia ribes Burm f. Embelia robusta auct. Non roxb. is other species of embelia. Both are two plants of same genus. Embelia robusta auct. Non roxb.is often mistaken as vidang & is being sold in market in the name of vidang. Although it has similar properties, actions & chemical constituents like embelin etc.as that of vidang. But it is not the real vidang. Many studies are done on original vidang. But a little work has been done on Embelia robusta auct.Non roxb.. Its description is not available even in Ayurvedic pharmacopeia of India.
Therefore preliminary pharmacognostical parameters for the fruits of Embelia robusta auct. Non roxb.were studied with the aim of drawing the pharmacopoeia standards for this species. These studies comprise to investigate macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical parameters, chromatography & preliminary phytochemical screening of fruits of Embelia robusta auct.Non roxb.