Background and objective: Addiction to substances has been a nationwide problem. Alcohol consumption has been increasing globally over years. There are around 62 million alcoholics in India. It is estimated that40 to 50% of alcohol dependent individuals suffer from alcohol induced clinical syndromes Literature has also suggested that having co-morbid psychiatric diagnosis influences the prognosis and treatment of alcohol dependence syndrome (Dorte et al, 2007). Personality determines use, dependence, response to treatment and prognosis in alcohol users. Methodology: A consecutive sample of 124 subjects with alcohol dependence syndrome in relapse as per International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) criteria was studied. Subjects were evaluated using MINI PLUS to diagnose alcohol dependence and to rule out presence of any psychiatric disorders except nicotine dependence syndrome. International Personality Disorder Examination was used to assess the patient’s personality. Socio-demographic variables were also studied and co-related. Results: Dissocial personality traits were over represented in the sample, followed by anxious avoidant and borderline. Also there was significant correlation found between patients who were business men by occupation and paranoid, dissocial and impulsive personality traits. Conclusion: The findings of this study can surely have significance on the interventional strategies for alcohol relapse. Personality profiles must be studied and integrated in order to further increase our understanding in these subjects. The results from the current study could help clinicians anticipate potential obstacles early in therapy.