The study explores the Ansoff Model with respect to current market situation and understand how it works for finding and maximizing new business opportunities. With the help of this study authors will investigate how payment methods are molded to give soft cushion to buyers. The study would also analyze how customers see strategies using for minimizing pain of paying. Ansoff Matrix is applied on companies’ strategies to encourage more and more purchases by reducing pain of cash payment. The study is conducted over working male and working female, study correlation between Ansoff Matrix & POP techniques and identified which strategy belongs to which section of Ansoff Matrix. The study gives brief understanding of Ansoff Matrix and ‘Pain of Paying’ along with remedies of minimizing pain. Total 626 respondents were selected for the study among them 313 were working male & 313 working female. The data has been analyzed through ‘independent t-test, Pearson Correlation and Avg. Weight Method’.