Aims & Objective: To assess the patterns of prescribing medication in geriatric psychiatric patients: A hospital based cross sectional study.
Methodilogy: This study was conducted in the outpatient department of Manasa Hospital, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, for a period of 6 months. All the patients were systematically interviewed and their socio demographic details were noted. The diagnosis of these patients was made according to ICD-10 RDC Guidelines by consultant psychiatrist at the hospital. Totally, 130 patients in the geriatric age group from the outpatient departments of Manasa Hospital, Guntur were included in the study. The data were collected using predesigned proforma specially designed for this purpose. Patient’s prescription sheet was evaluated and age and gender wise distribution of patients, diseases suffered and co-morbid conditions were examined. Analysis was carried out for total number of drugs prescribed, average number of drugs per prescription. Analysis was carried out by using Microsoft Excel. The results and conclusions will be made by using SPSS 16.
Results: In a geriatric psychiatric population the prevalence of diseases are 40% were with GAD, 30% with Depression, 23.07% with Schizophrenia, 2.3% with ADS and OCD. In this study out of 130 patients antidepressents class of drugs used in depression are 55.3% (n=130), GAD 43.07% (n=130), and in ADS 1.5%(n=130). Benzodiazepines class of drugs used in schizophrenia are 25.3%(n=130), depression are 30 %(n=130), GAD 40%(n=130) , in ADS 2.3%(n=130) and in OCD 2.3%(n=130). antipsychotics class of drugs used in schizophrenia are 43.8%(n=130), in depression are 15.3%(n=130), GAD 36.1%(n=130) , in ADS 2.3%(n=130) and in OCD 2.3%(n=130). Others class of drugs used in schizophrenia are 25.3%(n=130),in depression are 30%(n=130),GAD 40%(n=130),in ADS 2.3%(n=130) and in OCD 2.3%(n=130).
Conclusion: Our study concludes that prevalence of GAD is more in geriatrics with comparative depression, schizophrenia, ADS and OCD. In our study more antidepressants class of drugs were used in depression then GAD. In this class of drugs escitalopram were more used in depression and GAD. Next to escitalopram they used duloxetine for depression and amitriptyline for GAD. Another class of drugs were benzodiazepines more used in GAD, in this class of drugs clonazepam was more used for GAD then etizolam, clonazepam+lorazepam and lorazepam. One more class of drugs were antipsychotic more used for schizophrenia then GAD, depression, ADS and OCD, in this class of drugs olanzapine was more prescribed for schizophrenia than depression and GAD. Next to olanzapine we see quetipine. Other classes of drugs were also used in GAD than depression, schizophrenia and ADS, in these drugs, the mainly used were trihexaphenidyl then Pragavaline, Folic acid + methylcobalamine + alpha-lipolyic acid + vitamine b6, Pantaprozole, Rabiprozole, Diphenhyldramine, Trihexaphenidyl+pantaprozole, Trihexaphenidyl+ folic acid+ methylcobalamine+ alpha-lipolicacid + vitaminb6.