Objective: To identify the age presentation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and its association with haematological parameters in patients at in Medical Oncology JPMC, Karachi, Pakistan.
Material and methods: This was a cross sectional observational study through convenient sampling technique conducted from April 2016 to September 2017 in Oncology ward of JPMC, Karachi after ethical approval. Total 94 admitted patients in haematology oncology unit diagnosed with CML were included. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of median age value. SPSS version 20.0 was used and Mann Whitney test was applied to assess the significance.
Results: A total of 94 patients were included having median age of 40.49 years. The median and mean rank of variables was recorded in 2 age groups of below and above 40 years. Haemoglobin level was 8.6 gm/dl in patient with age below 40 years with mean rank 47.74 and above 40 was 9.1 gm/dl and 47.25 (p=0.93), total leukocyte count was 229 x103cells/mm3 and 51.46 below 40 years and 177 x103cells/mm3and 43.37 above 40 years (p=0.15), platelets below 40 years was 502 x103cells/mm3and 52.85 and above 40 years was 377 x103cells/mm3and 41.91 (p=0.05), respectively.
Conclusion: Our study predicted the median age of 40.49 years in chronic myeloid leukemia patients. No significant difference existed in hematological parameters. However, there was substantial difference observed in platelet count of these patients.