Obstetric violence occurs in different degrees, ranging from paternalistic or derogatory treatment, drug abuse or surgical interventions without being medically justified, prohibition of eating or drinking for hours, are sufferings that many women have suffered some or several times during pregnancy, parturition and the puerperium. Objective. To know the prevalence of obstetric violence in adolescents treated at General Hospital of Chilpancingo. Methodology. The type of study was descriptive, cross-sectional and quantitative, the study population was 35 adolescents in labor attended at the General Hospital "Dr. Raymundo AbarcaAlarcón” from Chilpancingo de los Bravo, the sample was non-random by quota, the source of information collection was direct through the interview with the patients, the data collection instrument was through a structured questionnaire with 35 questions validated and used by Paula Quevedo, in the Thesis "Obstetric Violence: a hidden manifestation of gender inequality", in 2012, in addition to an observation guide, formulated with 40 questions. Results. Physical violence.The85.7% of the adolescents surveyed undergo vaginal examination without prior consent. Psychological violence. The parturition process was not explained to 71.4% of the adolescents surveyed, and 97.1% were not allowed to be accompanied during the medical check-up. 2.9% of the adolescents surveyed mentioned that they did not want to provide them attention in the doctor's office. Verbal violence. The65.7% indicated that they received good treatment from health personnel, however 5.7% received bad treatment. Conclusion. Regarding the physical violence suffered by more than three quarters of the adolescents, they stated that they were not attended by students or interns during their labor, but in the observation guide it was found that all the interns do intervene in the labor of parturition, more than half stated that they were not forced to stay in a single position.