Introduction: Epilepsy is a disorder of the central nervous system characterized by periodic loss of consciousness withor without convulsions associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Epilepsy is associated with cognitive and behavioural functions. Cognitive functions and behavioural disturbance are more frequent in epileptic patients with frequent seizures and associated neurological or mental abnormalities than in general population.
Materials and methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for a period of 6months in the Department of Neurology MGM Hospital, Warangal region. Chronic epilepsy patients attending the hospital were enrolled in the study and the data was collected from patient profile forms, direct communication with patients and their care givers. The patient data was collected in the data collection form by considering the study parameters.
Results: A total number of 196 chronic epileptic patients were included in the study. The level of impairment was found as severe in 27.55 % patients, mild in 27.04 % and 44.40 % patients had no cognitive impairment. Of all the patients observed in our study, 51 patients had abnormal behaviour.
Conclusion: Patients with long term uncontrolled seizures, increased seizure frequency, prolonged duration of epilepsy, long term use of antiepileptic drugs, higher doses of antiepileptic drugs, onset of epilepsy in early age, polytherapy were found with poor behavioural status. Pharmacist has a vital role in neurology department in counselling the patient about disease, medication adherence, counselling for regular visits to doctor and for proper dose adjustments.