Background: A Self-development class is an on-going process which enhances and grooms one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change in one’s life. Each person has a different individuality which can be polished, refined, and developed. The aim of this study was to assess the attitude of nursing students towards self-development classes. Methods: This is a descriptive comparative design research with sample size of 262 nursing students from 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year B Sc. Nursing programme, aged 18 years and above, male and female students who were recruited through non-probability sampling technique from Sikkim Manipal College of Nursing, Sikkim. Data was collected through predesigned questionnaires on demographics, self-development class profile and Likert scale for which validity and reliability was established. Result: 88% of 1styear,79% of 2nd year and 60%of 3rd year nursing students attended self-development classes regularly. No statistical significant difference noted in overall attitude score regarding self-development classes among 3 different groups of nursing students. (P>.05). Conclusion: Students overall had a positive attitude towards self-development classes. Self-development classes are not a part of curricula prescribed by regulatory bodies in nursing. However, the need of these classes cannot be ignored in the wake of rising statistics of students suffering from anxiety, depression and increasing number of students failing in multiple subjects.