Introduction: Lock down which has been implemented during COVID-19 pandemic to limit the transmission of disease caused restrictions on various social practices. Educational institutions were initially closed and later were partially or fully resumed in virtual platform. With this, lifestyle has been significantly changed especially among students. Long term restriction on inherent practices brought about by this period of confinement may affect the health and well-being of people1. Objective: To determine the life style changes among medical students during and before the COVID-19 pandemic. Material &methods: This web based cross-sectional study was conducted from May- June 2021 among 1208 medical students after obtaining permission from Institutional ethical committee. The non probability purposive snowball sampling was used to circulate it widely. Results: Out of 1208 study subjects 74.8% were females and 25.2% were males. The mean age of the participants was 20±1.76. During the pandemic the mean duration of physical activity had been reduced, where as the mean total screen time, sleep duration, sleep latency and body mass index had been increased during pandemic when compared to before pandemic. Conclusion: There was negative effect on life style during pandemic due to home confinement, new normal virtual mode of academic, recreational activities and decreased opportunities for physical activities.