"Monkeypox" is a misnomer. As the Universe is an illusory convalescence from Covid-19 and it’s not over yet, additional viruses have striked on our doors. Monkey pox (MPX) is a viral zoonotic disease .The virus was discovered in 1958 in research monkeys, but its natural hosts are likely rodents and other small mammals. An emerging viral zoonosis Human monkeypox was first recognized in Africa. Cases of human monkeypox are rarely seen outside of west and central Africa. Monkeypox virus infection has been detected in squirrels, Gambian pouched rats, dormice, and some species of monkeys. Cases of monkeypox virus, which started in the United Kingdom, have now been confirmed in more than 12 countries. Initially, skin eruptions appear followed by fever with diaphoresis and rigors. Skin lesions progress from papules to vesiculopustular to resolving eschars. The lesions histologically appear as ballooning degeneration of basal keratinocytes, spongiosis of a mildly acanthotic epidermis progressing to full thickness necrosis of a markedly acanthotic epidermis with few viable keratinocytes.