The study was conducted to monitor pesticide application in banana cultivation during 2015-16 at four districts (Gazipur, Narshingdi, Mymenshingh, Chittagong) of Bangladesh. In this study, a survey was conducted in the Banana cultivated areas of four districts to collect information about the pesticides use with particular emphasis on the application of persistent insecticides. The survey revealed that the banana farmers commonly had used lamda-cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, fenitrothion, cypermethrin+quinalfos, quinalfos, thiamethoxam and DDT powder in banana cultivation. Results indicated that majority of farmers (67%) use DDT to control banana leaf and fruit beetle (Nodostomaviridipennis). It was also observed that fungicides such as carbendazim, difenoconazole, hexaconazole, mancozeb, propiconazole, tebuconazole had been used by majority of the farmer. The average Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) ranged from 13.87 to 23.07 days while it was 12.5 days for Amritsagar and 13.87 days for Sabri. There are below the recommended PHI index (14 days). On the other hand, Kachkola, Gerasundari and Chinichampa showed PHI higher than the recommended level. Frequency of pesticide application in banana ranged from 3.45 to 9.67 times in a cropping season with higher frequency in Amritsagar (9.67 times) followed by Sabri (9.48 times). Interval between two sprays found minimum in Kachkola (3.45 days) and maximum in Amritsagar (9.67 days). Forty-eight percent farmers used DDT as suggested by pesticide retailers