Isodon nigrescens is an enigmatic genus used in Chinese medicines for treatment of tumor, hepatitis, malaria, bacterial infection and inflammation with major bioactive constituent being diterpenoids. In spite of efficacy of this medicinal herb in treatment of various kinds of ailment, mutagenic or genotoxic hazards resulting from high dosage and long term use of the plant have not been well studied. Thus, cytotoxic and genotoxic screening of aqueous extracts of I. nigrescens was done using Allium cepa assay. Mitotic cell division inhibition and chromosome aberration induction have been widely used as indicators of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Studies showed decrease in mitotic index but abnormality percentage was on a high with increasing concentrations and time durations which revealed its toxic effect. Major aberrations observed were mitoclastic which included shift in microtubule organizing centre, misorientations, pole to pole arrangement, scattering and early movement of chromosomes. All values were statistically significant at p<0.05%. Studies conducted revealed that aqueous extracts of I. nigrescens possessed genotoxicity especially mitoclastic and mild cytotoxic effect. The cytotoxic and genotoxic activity of I. nigrescens extract when specifically targeted can be used to destroy cancer cells. Moreover, it emphasized judicious use of the plant in folk medicines for proper healthcare.