The Bulgarian Armed Forces require anyone who enters to be medically fit to serve worldwide. The standards apply to all military applicants and officer candidates undergoing initial medical examination. With drug use incompatible with military service, the expanded testing is meant to ensure readiness by admitting only the most qualified people. In our study analysis and discussion of toxicology screening results are presented. A total of 1164 candidates was examined – 686 and 478 for years 2016 and 2017, respectively. An express test for immunochemical analysis was used to quickly determine the most commonly used and controlled substances as well as their major metabolites.
It was shown that approximately 4.15% of all candidates give drug positive results (1.9% for female and 4.65% of male participants). Most frequent abuse includes cannabinoids, amphetamines and cocaine intoxications. Identification of more than one drug type occurred in 10 to 15% of positive samples. History of drug abuse is incompatible with military life and does not meet military standards in accordance with Bulgarian Medical Standards for Induction in the Military Services.