An optimal growth and development that aims to make child into a qualified human is not only about growing physically, but also having the ability to be efficient and effective for himself, family, community, nation, and mankind. The purpose of this research is to discover the direct and indirect impacts and the amount of information sources, the availability of facilities, the role of midwives and mothers’ attitude towards their motivation in monitoring the development of toddlers at Posyandu of Bojong Gede Village. The method used in this research is quantitative approach with the design of cross-sectional. The number of samples are 80 mothers of toddlers as the respondents. The analysis used is Structural Equation Model (SEM) using SmartPLS 2.0 and SPSS 20. The result of examining the hypothesis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the method of smartPLS produces a research discovery that the variable of mothers’ motivation in watching the growth of toddlers at Posyandu of Bojong Gede Village is influenced by sources of information (11.2%), availability of facilities (27.59%), midwives’ role (25.08%), and mothers’ attitude (15.24%). The conclusion of this research is that the availability of facilities is the most dominant factor which affects mothers’ motivation to monitor the infants’ growth at Posyandu of Bojong Gede Village. The suggestion of the research expects midwives to improve service in Posyandu and give more information regarding the growth of toddlers.