Introduction: To obtain an effective and compliance free molar distalization without an anchorage loss, keeping in mind bone anchored distalization appliance fabricated.
Aim: To evaluate the molar distalization in vertical growing patient without affecting or accentuating mandibular plane angle andproclining maxillary anteriors.
Material and method: Skeletal and dental changes were measured on cephalograms and dental casts of 10 patients (13± male and female) of BIDSH, Patna. Inclusion criteria:-
a) Permanent dentition with 3/4 cuspto half cusp class II relation.
b) Vertical growth pattern assessed by Steiners, Tweeds mandibular plane and Jaraback face height ratio.
c) Anterio posterior and vertical plane: Molar distalisation and incisor positions pre-treatment to post treatment assessed by Pancherz analysis,PTV perpendicular and burrstone cogs analysis.
Pre and post treatment patient’s models were assessed bymillimetric evaluation of positional changes.Findings were sent for statistical analysis.
Result: Class I molar relationship was achieved in a mean period of 7.2 ± 1.9 months. Maxillary molar distalization shows changes of 4 ± 1.5mm. The mandibular plane rotated by 2 ± 0.1 degree anticlockwise directions.
Conclusion: Implant supported molar distalization appliance presented effective and minimally invasive compliance free alternative for intraoral molar distalisation in vertical growing individual without affecting incisors position.