Introduction. Babies who are breastfed are six times more likely to survive; prevents gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, obesity, diabetes, leukemia, allergies, childhood cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and digestive diseases, strengthens the bond between mother and baby, who develops greater security, self-esteem and high levels of intelligence. Objective: To identify modifiable and non-modifiable maternal determinants for the practice of breastfeeding. Methodology: the design was correlational descriptive, the study population were postpartum women of the joint housing service, the sampling was for convenience, the period of data collection was October-November, the data was captured and processed through the statistical program StatisticPackageforthe Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The descriptive analysis of the variables was carried out through tables, graphs and figures, analysis of centrality and distribution. Results: 80% state that they did not smoke during the previous 3 months during their pregnancy, 54% did not drink any alcoholic beverage while 40% said yes and only 6% declared never having ingested alcoholic beverages, when questioning the acceptability of their pregnancy 44% of women say they planned their pregnancy, 84% felt happy and only 12% affirmed that once they had thougths about abortion, after the birth all the women denied having their babies immediately with them. The type of food of the newborn during their hospital stay was the 50% mixed, while 36% of the women gave exclusive breastfeeding and 14% fed it with formula since it did not produce milk. Conclusion Regarding the knowledge about breastfeeding, the results were mostly favorable, but some were unaware of the benefits of breastfeeding. In terms of the depression scale, the responses were positive since in the last days before the birth they said they could see the good side of things with 82%, 80% look at the future with enthusiasm and without having the vague desire to be damaged with 82% and 70% without feeling very sad. Bibliographic references: Aguilar Cordero, M. J., BaenaGarcía, L., Sánchez López, A. M., GuisadoBarrilao, R., Hermoso Rodríguez, E., & Mur Villar, N. (2016). Beneficiosinmunológicos de la lechehumana para la madre y el niño. Revisiónsistemática. NutriciónHospitalaria, 33, 482-493. Recuperado el 17 de 09 de 2017Baño Pinero, I., Carrillo García, C., Thambidurai, U., &Martínez Roche, M. E. (2015). elconcepto del baby café como red internacional de apoyo a la lactanciamaterna. cultura de los cuidados, 19-43. Cerda, M. L. (2011). Lactanciamaterna y gestióndelcuidado. RevistaCubana de Enfermería, 27(4), 327-336. Recuperado el 22 de 3 de 2017.