Aim- A single institute experience of clinicopathological features, treatment and outcome of male breast carcinoma at GCRI
Material and Methods- Retrospective analysis using clinical and pathological data from 25 operable male breast cancer patients at GCRI, Ahemdabad.
Results- Mean age of presentation was 64 years, mostly with lump. Clinically T1, T2, T3 and T4 were 16%, 27%, 21%, 36%. Lymph node involvement were seen in 40% of the cases. Histology was invasive ductal carcinoma. IHC results showed ER, PR, Her2-neu Positive in 80%, 74% and 22% patients. 80% of the patients underwent MRM while 20% underwent Toilet mastectomy. Adjuvant Radiotherapy was given in 60% of cases.
Conclusion- Male breast cancer is a rare entity similar to female breast cancer in many ways except advance age and stage of presentation, more ER, PR positivity and more required adjuvant radiotherapy, according to our study.
Limitation- Small sample size. A prospective multicentric study with large sample size is needed for better understanding of male breast cancer.