This is the reality of nature that NO PRESENT, NO PAST, NO FUTURE without females. India has globally become one of powerful country and this makes each one of us very proud. But there still are some bad truths that need to be think and it’s high time that we stop turning a deaf towards them. Female infanticide –Female feticide are such social issues .Cases like sex selection, illegal abortion and female feticide, may be seen and heard as a social phenomenon in many parts of India. Such incidents are not related to any caste, class, religion, community or border. There can be many reasons for such incidents, but the most important reason is the technology:-amniocentesis and ultra-sonography of science which was created, to find fetal abnormalities, but it is also used illegally for fetal screening. These machines can be used to check the sex of the unborn child, which is illegal in India, but the most heart-wrenching situation arises when a female fetus is killed and thrown in the garbage can. This paper analyzes and discusses the cases of feticide and the dreadful status of female infanticide.