The research attempted to determine the extent of utilization of the University library resources and services by the students of St. Paul University Philippines. Eventually, the findings of the assessment were the bases for the proposed marketing and promotion program. Descriptive survey research method was utilized and a survey questionnaire was floated to the participants. The study was guided by four research questions. The data collected were analyzed using the descriptive statistics which include, frequencies, percentages and mean rating. Findings revealed that students are aware of the resources and services offered by the University library. The General Collection, General References, Library Displays, and Serials were all utilized “Often” by the SPUP library users. On the other hand, the users find the library to be the most convenient place to mingle with others and share whatever they want with each other. Majority of the respondents believed that well designed, interactive and updated bulletin boards would be most effective in encouraging the use of library resources and services always.