The main objective of this study is to find out level of development in chandrapur district particularly related to agriculture, human resource and infrastructure sector. This paper analysed the level of development of the blocks. 15 blocks of Chandrapur district with respect to 12 development indicators were evaluated on the basis of a composite index. The composite index on principal component analysis was employed. The level of development was obtained for agricultural, human resource and infrastructural sector. Among 15 blocks, the blocks which stood best in agricultural sector were Sindewahi and Nagbhid. Jiwati stood last in agricultural sector with rank of 15. In Human Resource sector, the block standing best was Warora with an overall rank of 1 and Jiwati with a ranking of 15 showed poorest performance. Similarly in infrastructural sector Warora stood best with an overall rank of 1 whereas, Rajura with a ranking of 15 stood last in infrastructural sector. A comparative analysis of developmental indices revealed that Chandrapur block is high developed block. Middle developed blocks were Warora, Bramhapuri, Nagbhid, Sindewahi, Bhadravati, Mul and Ballarpur. Chimur, Gondpipri, Korpana and Sawali blocks were developing and Jiwati, Pombhurna and Rajura were low level developed blocks.