Malaria is a disease, which poses huge problems for the people. One of the methods of fighting malaria is the elimination of the vector agent which is Anopheles. The use of synthetic insecticides has harmful consequences: pollution of the environment, intoxication of human, inefficiency due to the resistance of these mosquitoes against these products. One of the alternatives is the use of biological insecticides. In this work, we extracted essential oils from 10 plant species of Congo-Brazzaville: Chenopodiumambrosioides, Cyperus articulatus, Cyperusrotundus, Hyptissuaveolens, Guibourtia demeusei, Lippiamultiflora, Aframomumgigateum, Aframomumstipilatum, Zewgiberofficinale. These oils were evaluated for their larvicide activity on the Anopheles gambiae, a vector agent of malaria in Congo. The results obtained show the interestinglarvicide activity with the essential oils of Chenopodiumambrosioides, Guibourtiademeusei and Lippiamultiflora with 100% mortality, followed by Aframomumstipulatum (97.33%), Cyperusarticulatus (95, 00%), Zewgiber officinale (95.00%), Hyptissuaveolens (93.32%) of mortality at 0.2 g / L. Other essential oils were also active. Essential oils of Chenopodiumambrosioides (LC50 = 0.088 g / L), followed by Hyptissuaveolens (LC50 at 0.090 g / L), Guibourtiademeusei (LC50 = 0.098 g / L), Zewgiber of ficinale (LC50 = 0.11 g/L), were more active.