Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) is one of most damaging pathogen of rice in Africa. In order to reduce the impact of this disease, several control methods were proposed by researchers, but selection for resistance is considered to be the most effective management strategy. In the present study, a set of 190 F2 populations from the cross between an RYMV susceptible genotype IR64 and resistant genotype BM24 were used for QTL analysis. The objective of the study was to identify QTLs associated to RYMV resistance through some agro-morphological traits under RYMV effect. A total of two major QTLs were identified for RYMV resistance on chromosome 12 and associated with day to first symptom (qDsym) and disease score (qDiScore). These two QTLs explained 14.7% and 16.7% of total phenotypic variation for qDiScore and qDsym, respectively and showed positive additive effect of 0.363 and 2.129 respectively for qDiScore and qDsym, indicating that favorable alleles are from resistant parent BM24. In addition two most significant QTLs, (qFertPan1 and qFertPan2) were identified for number of fertile panicle (FertPan) under RYMV effect on chromosome 4 and 12. Such as QTLs for RYMV resistance, these QTLs (qFertPan1 and qFertPan2) showed positive additive effect. QTLs identified in this study are useful for marker-assisted selection and are also suitable forcandidate gene identification.