An “adverse drug reaction” is any noxious, unintended and undesired effect of a drug, which occurs at a dose used in humans forprophylaxis, diagnosis, therapy or modification of physiological functions. Reporting of adverse events and adverse drug reactions is the commonest method utilized for generating safety data. Lack of awareness about Pharmacovigilance is one of themost important causes of such under-reporting. Spontaneous reporting system is considered the main mechanism of pharmacovigilance study for gathering information about ADRs. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 134 doctors using pre-validated 20 item questionnaire with details of participant’s information followed by questions regarding knowledge, attitude and prescribing practice of pharmacovigilance was used as a tool, administrated to all the resident doctors and the collected data was analysed. Our study revealed that knowledge about pharmacovigilance was not adequate CRRI had a knowledge score of less than 50%. This shows that only few doctors are aware about the pharmacovigilance programme. The assessment of questionnaire based on attitude regarding pharmacovigilance shows that 27 (30 %) of CRRI had attitude score of 70% and above, Pharmacovigilance is not enough as is evident from our study. Success of Pharmacovigilance programmes depend also upon the effective practice of Pharmacovigilance by healthcare professionals.