Background: Infection transmission can easily occur in routine dental practice.Therefore, protection from crossinfection in a dentalsetup is a criticalaspect of dentalpractices. A survey questionnaire comprises of questions related to safety protocols and infection control is administered to students through a survey planet link.
Aim: To assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practiceregarding safety protocols and infection control amongdental students.
Materials and Methods: A self administered questionnaire was designed to create an awareness about safety protocols and infection control in a dentalclinic and its major importance of them in prevention of crossinfection. The study population included the dental students to whom the questionnaireswere submitted. All students in the study, voluntarily completed a questionnaire consisting of 20 close-ended questions.
Result: 84% of the dental students are aware about the hepatitis b vaccination and has been vaccinated. 75% of the dental students has the habit of changing masks and gloves between each and every procedure, 71% of the dental students have the knowledge about disinfection and sterilisation. 80% of dentists demonstrated their views on appropriate practice regarding infection control.
Conclusion: Dental students in this study have a good level of knowledge and positive attitudes about infection control. However, the knowledge acquired must be transferred into daily practice. With all infection control protocols already implemented in dental schools, improving compliance with infection control recommendations remains a challenge.