Background: Replacement of missing teeth has become one of the most important needs for patients attending clinics to restore aesthetics and/or function. Many treatment modalities are available for replacing a single missing tooth; removable partial denture, fixed partial denture or dental implant.Aim: The objective of this study is to assess the knowledge and awareness of dental implants among adults in urban areas. Methods and Materials: A descriptive design using survey method was used in this study.The study was conducted among adults living in Chennai urban area.Convenient sampling technique was used to select the participants. The survey was conducted among 68 participants using a questionnaire which consists of demographic data and questionnaire on knowledge and awareness on dental implants. Descriptive statistics was used for data analysis. Results: The results of this study shows that more than half of the participants 37(54.4%) were aware of different dental implants and 31 (45.6%) were not aware of dental implants.About 40(58.8%) of them think that the best treatment for replacing missing teeth is dental implants. There were 22 (32.4%) of them who felt that high cost is the factor that prevents them from choosing implants for replacing the missing teeth. Conclusion: More than half of the participants were not having information regarding implants. It shows that there is a need for providing more information to the patients about this treatment modality. So, dental education is necessary for developing positive attitude among population regarding dental implants.