Background: Anterior open bites can be the result of a digit, or tongue-thrust habit, leading to the undereruption of the maxillary and mandibular incisor teeth. Treatment of the former requires correction of the habit, followed by the extrusion of the undererupted incisors, but with the popularity of miniscrew implants, it is only natural to look as these devices as an alternate treatment option for the correction of anterior open bites
Aim: To study about the knowledge and awareness among Dental practitioners regarding the management of anterior open bite
Materials and Methods: The questionnaire includes closed ended questions regarding the knowledge and attitude of the participants towards the management of anterior open bite. The survey was done on 100 participants and the participants included clinicians and postgraduates students. Data collection and analysis was done.
Result: About 97% of the dental practitioner were aware about the anterior open bite,and only about 87% of subjects have adequate knowledge about management of anterior open bite
Conclusion: This study shows that even though the dental practitioner were aware of anterior open bite they should also have adequate knowledge about the management of anteior open bites. Therefore increase in awareness among dental practitioner about the management of anterior open bite is still required