Introduction: Selection of tooth shade is a very important step in esthetic dentistry as it is the final step and crucial step in the treatmentoutcome. As there are many complexions in natural tooth shades and patients are more conscious about their esthetics, so knowledge about shade selection among the regular practitioners is very important to satisfy patient with appropriate shade.
Aim: To evaluate the knowledge of shade selection of dental practitionersin Dakshina Kannada district
Materials and Methods: Questionnaire based survey is designed. All the Questions check the knowledge of the general dental practitioners. Soft copies of questionnaires will be distributed among general dental practitioners belonging to Dakshina Kannada district
Results: Most (85.4%) of the participants knew that the dentist’s eye should be at the level of patients tooth for accurate shade matching. Most (84.8%) of the participants knew at what time of the appointment shade selection should be done. Most (70.9%) of the participants that shade selection should be done quickly. Most (64.2%) of the participants use vita classic shade guide regularly. Most (92.7%) of the participants follow visual method of shade selection. Only few (41.7%) of the participants knew which basic property should be selected first. Most (73.5%) of the participants knew the factors effecting shade selection. Only few (30.5%) of the participants knew that shade tabs should be placed above or below the tooth to be compared. Most(89.4%) of them knew that tooth should be cleaned before shade selection. Most (80.4%) of the participants knew that shade selection should be done when tooth is in hydrated state. Very Few (12.6%) of them knew that 28-33 cm distance should be maintained while shade selection. Only Few (29.8%)participants knew that we should wait for 2-3 weeks after bleaching procedure to do shade selection. Most (70.2%) of the participants knew that enamel translucency is reduced when teeth is dehydrated. Most (70.9%) of the participants knew that tooth should be divided into 3 regions during shade selection.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, the knowledge regarding shade selection was found to be adequate among general dental practitioners in Dakshina Kannada. However, it is seen that there is relative lack of knowledge regarding property of color, placement of shade tabs of shade guide, distance between clinician and patient during shade selection and waiting period for shade selection after bleaching. Therefore, various seminars, continuous dental education programs or workshops should be conducted so as to increase their awareness of shade selection.