Cultures, communities and countries are measured today by their ability to optimize the benefit of youth towards the economy. Creativity and the ability of spirit of youth towards creating a more sustainable socio-economy is very important to a world full of uncertainties. The empirical study investigates the importance of youth based economy which have not been well studied in the body of knowledge. The literature review checks the role of youth in the promotion of economic growth and development.
The paper study the Role of Youth Economy in solving Socio-Economic issues, after addressing the importance of this economy. We shed light also in the youth economy role in raising opportunities, such as quality of life programs and eco programs. The study debate about how youth can shift from impact to outcome through engaging more in socio-economic programs and putting strategies that deals with them as valuable national socio-economic assets.
The paper concluded with results of two field studies carried by youth in Bosnia to show the importance role of in the secondary socio-economy.