The Nucleolar organizer regions (NOR) are unique elements of chromosomes that play a vital role in cellular proliferation at invasive tumour front of Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC).
Aims and objective:The objective of this study is to determine cut-off value for invasive tumour front grade score, mean number and area of AgNORs that aids in prognostication of OSCC.
Materials and method:Two sections of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissuesof OSCC were retrieved in 30 cases from archives. Tumorgrading, mean AgNOR number and area at the invasive frontwere elicited with H&E and silver staining respectively.
Results and observation:Tumor with least mean AgNOR number, area and invasive tumour front grade score had good prognosis significantly. We analyzedcut-off value of 12, 6, 2 μm2 for invasive tumour front grade score, mean number and area of AgNORs respectively which showed statistically good delineation prognosis. Thus cut-off value can serve as a guide for treatment planning of OSCC.