The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of various trace elements on growth and ligninolytic enzyme production of Dictyoarthrinium synnematicum in liquid media and to provide a basis for further physiological study and biotechnological use of the fungus. The effect of 8 different trace elements (i.e. B, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn) with concentrations ranging from 10-6ppm to 400 ppm, on growth and ligninolytic enzymes production has been investigated. These trace elements has significantly influence the mycelial growth and ligninolytic enzymes production of this fungus. The trace elements viz. B, Ca, Mn and Zn were observed to be fungistatic at all concentrations while Co, Cu, Fe and Mo were mostly found to be fungistatic from 1 ppm to 400 ppm concentrations. It did not show Manganese peroxidase activity with any of these trace elements and showed Lignin peroxidase activity with low concentrations of Co, Cu and Mo while laccase activity was observed only with Mo. This is the first report on effect of trace elementon mycelial growth and ligninolytic enzymes production of this species. The study will facilitate research to increase the production of enzymes of the fungus under defined culture conditions.