This study aimed to find out the effect of tai chi with and without green tea supplementation on muscular endurance and muscular strength of obese men. Forty five obese men with 30 kg/m2 to 40kg/m2 of Body Mass Index were randomly selected from Chennai District, Tamil Nadu. They were randomly divided into three groups consisting of fifteen (n=15) subjects each. Experimental Group I underwent tai chi without green tea (TC) for five days per week. Experimental Group II underwent tai chi with green tea (TCwGT) for five days per week and group III acted as Control Group. Subjects who were in the control group were not exposed to any experimental training Prior to the experimental treatments, all the subjects were measured of their muscular endurance through sit ups test and muscular strength through pull ups tests and scored recorded were considered as initial scores. The experimental group I underwent 13 specific exercises and the training sessions lasted for 40 minutes. Experimental group II in addition to the tai chi training was provided with green tea supplementation. The experimental treatments lasted for 16 weeks with respective experimental treatments and immediately after completion of experimental treatment, the subjects was once again tested of their muscular endurance and muscular strength which formed the final scores. The difference between the initial and final scores was considered as the effect of experimental treatment. To test significance, ANCOVA was used and in all cases 0.05 level was fixed to test the significance of the study. The results of this study proved that there were significant improvement in muscular endurance and muscular strength of obese men due to tai chi and tai chi with green tea supplementation and comparing with control group the improvement were significant at 0.05 level. It was concluded that TC and TCwGT were improved muscular endurance and muscular strength of the obese men.