Physical activity is inevitable to keep health in good status. There arestudies toshow the differences between various types of exercises in health and disease. Post-exercise / physical activity cardiac autonomic control depends on exercise modality which remains unclear. Heart rate variability (HRV) has been used as a non-invasive method to evaluate heart rate (HR) regulation by the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. We compared the Suryanamaskara (SN) and bicycle ergometer exercise and their effect on heart rate variability in sixty novice participants. Age and gender matched sixty subjects were divided into two groups, Group I performed SN & Group II Bicycle ergometer exercise for 30mins. Recording was taken at Basal and immediately after activity. Results showed the significant increase in Heart rate, LF/HF ratio and decrease in High frequency (HF) domain in both groups immediately after the activity. But a trend observed towards sympathetic activity in exercise group compared to SN group