Objective: The caterpillars of Imbrasia truncata are excellent vectors of essential amino acids, essential fatty acids and other micronutrients. The incorporation of their flours in Congolese infant weaning slurries will improve the nutritional value of these porridge in order to combat malnutrition.
Methodology and Results: Weaning meal based on Imbrasia truncata caterpillar flours was formulated using the Pearson Square method. The energy density (DE) was determined by combining all the nutrients providing energy and using the coefficients of Merril and Watt and also comparison of the essential amino acid composition with the FAO references.
Reference (2007) protein showed that the best formulation therefore seems to be that of the maize-caterpillar mixture which makes it possible to supply all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities in the weaning slurry. However, in areas where corn is very scarce, the mixture of cassava flour and caterpillar flour may be suitable provided that the proportion of caterpillar meal is increased. These slurries have energy values ranging from 358 to 367 kcal per 100 g of dry matter.
All the results obtained show that the slurries formulated from Imbrasia truncata caterpillar meal are an important source of micronutrients which can contribute to the harmonious development of the infant during the weaning period.