Aim: To find out the importance of physiotherapy in hypertension among medical practitioners of Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College and Research Center (T.M.M.C.R.C), Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Background: Hypertension is now a well-established, major cardiovascular risk factor. Regular aerobic exercise, or high levels of fitness (VO2 max), to be protective against the future development of hypertension in men. Importantly, each acute bout of dynamic exercise may reduce blood pressure for a substantial portion of the daylight hours. Aerobic training involves the activation a large skeletal muscle mass through cycling or walking exercise whereas strength training program involve upper and lower body muscle groups. There is strong evidence that exercise training improves functional capacity, quality of life and even long time survival.
Methodlogy: A total of 50 subjects were recruited conveniently as per the inclusive and exclusive criteria. The subjects then passed through a questionnaire only after given voluntary written consent. Their opinion on “Importance Of Physiotherapy In Hypertension Among Medical Practitioners”.
Results: After analysing the data, results are summarized and it was observed that: 199 participants strongly agreed with the average % of 39.8%.278 participants agreed with the average % of 55.6%.22 participants disagreed with the average % of 4.4%.1 participants strongly disagreed with the average % of 0.2%.
Conclusion: This study concluded that major numbers of physiotherapy students are aware and agreed about the need of cardiopulmonary physiotherapy in education and society. Although for carrier point of view cardiopulmonary physiotherapy program provides practicing physiotherapists with an opportunity to study for a specialized post graduate qualification which will significantly contribute towards carrier development.