The study was aimed at analyse the Special Component Plan of Manikal Grama Panchayath inThiruvananathapuram district. The utilisation status of the SCP in Manikal Grama Panchayath was 100% during the year 2014-15.
Methodology: Decriptive design was selected for the study. Data form sulekha software, Vikasanarekha and discussion with stakeholders were used for the study.descriptive analysis were made in the analysis of the data.
Findings: The projects disigned under the service sector for the improvement of housing and education make desired effect on Scheduled caste population in the Panchayath. The projects in the production sector help the benificiaries to produce temporary income effect on Scheduled Caste.The projects taken under Infrastucture sector has improved the infrastructure facilities of the Scheduled Caste in the implementation area.