Some of states from our country are promoting Ecotourism for the community development of the nation. In the same way, Uttarakhand is also promoting ecotourism for thecommunity development. Uttarakhand has so many ecotourism sitesbecause of its geographical location. The present research area (Koti-Kanasar) is also an ecotourism site, which was selected by Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of Indiaas Ecotourism destination in 2005. This Paper aims to check the impact of Ecotourismat Koti-Kanasarand explores the current trends, challenges and development in the Ecotourism at Koti-Kanasar. This paper also analyses the role of the participation of the Private tour operators, NGO’s, local community and the Government in the development of ecotourism. Further, this paper also aims to assess the potential to develop the existing natural and ecotourism resources in the area. Since, several methodologies are applied throughout the world by different researchers for assessing Ecotourism, we are trying to assess the impact of ecotourism on environment, socio-culture and economy of the destination. Because, due to the high rate of beneficial impacts, ecotourism will be helpful in the overall development of the community.