The Climate change is a major challenge for agriculture, policy maker, environment, NGO, Government, food security and rural livelihoods. Climatic change would push an additional 100 million people into poverty by 2030 in the world. It has put water security at risk, and is threatening agricultural supply chains and many coastal cities. And another most important question in the more than 815 (2016) million (India’s 190.7 million) people are malnourished in the World. Food security and agriculture is the sector most vulnerable to climate change due to its high dependence on climate and weather. Food insecurity is a global problem and food security depends on agricultural productivity, per capita tea, coffee, egg, cereal, pulses and other food items. But in recent years worst impact of climate change is seen on agricultural productivity in India. The most important object of this research paper is to study the worst impact of climate change on food security.