Hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) is a condition in which fetal or newborn infants’ RBCs have a shortened life span due to maternal antibodies. These antibodies cross the placenta and sensitize the fetal RBCs; they are usually IgG alloantibodies but on rare occasions can be IgG maternal autoantibodies..1,2 Most common antibody anti-D followed by anti-c, -Jka, and -K, followed by anti-C, -s, -e, -cE, -Fya.10 Blood grouping and Rh typing was done by tube technique. Polyspecific and Monospecific Direct Agglutination Test were performed by Column agglutination technique. Specificity of the antibody, elution studies were carried out using Glycine acid elution and Glycine acid /EDTA elution procedures. This present study has statistical significance between Severity of Direct Agglutination Test and the IgG1 subclass with hemolysis. Parity has a significant role in Rh HDFN. Acid Elution is highly effective in dissociating maternal antibodies by fetal RBCs which helps in identifying maternal alloantibodies. Glycine acid EDTA elution is useful for Phenotyping of the Fetal RBCs and transfusing Antigen Negative units to the affected neonates. Elution plays a major role in identifying Rh and other antibodies in neonates where maternal serum is unavailable, hence, institutional based algorithm for antenatal mothers.