Mental health is an integral part of the complete health and is regarded as one of the basic factors that contribute to the effective physical health and social wellbeing. W.H.O. defines Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity and an ability to lead a social and economically productive life, in conformity with age old definition given by Ayurveda. According to Susruta Samhita Su.15/49 that Susruta has defined Health (Swasthya) as inclusive of mental and spiritual wellbeing along with equilibrium of Dosas, Dhatus, Agnis and Malas. Recently western medicine has also started emphasizing these aspects of health. Thus, health includes sound and efficient mind with controlled emotions. It means both body and mind should work efficiently and harmoniously. The central Council of Health Programmes in its meeting on 18-20 August, 1982 held at New Delhi for implementation of Alma-Ata Declaration recommended that mental health must form an integral part of total health programme of India and in all training course for medical professionals, mental health education will be an integral part. The programme will have three components as Treatment, Rehabilitation and Promotion of positive mental health. The promotion of positive mental health is main component with focus on elderly individuals.