The Earth's thermal fields and temperature fields of radioactive substances have a common periodicity, determined by the cyclical of solar processes and, accordingly, the latent periodicity of neutrino solar fluxes. Temperature variations of all types are determined by anomalous neutrino radioisotope (ANRI) absorption or by the effect of neutrino flux interaction with radioactive structures of the Earth. The statement that the influence of the cyclical of solar activity can be neglected below the zone of constant temperatures (at depths above 40 m), and the temperature regime of the rocks is determined by the depth flow of heat and the specific features of the thermal properties of the rocks, incorrectly: at a depth of 40 m there can exist a thermal component due to muons (Kp-index), and at any and large depths - heat from the interaction of the solar neutrino flux with radioactive structures. When estimating the heat flux, it is necessary to introduce the factor S (ω), which represents the spectrum of the natural oscillations of the Sun. Perhaps there is a relationship between global warming and the heat fluxes of the Earth, taking into account the ANRI effect. New unknown data on long-period wave processes on the Sun are also obtained.