Introduction: Head injury is a major public health problem that is a cause of mortality and morbidity to the patient, family and the society. Road traffic accident is the commonest cause. Trauma presents with variety of injuries and problems that demand rapid evaluation, discussion, improvisation and intervention to save life and prevent permanent disability.
Method: This was a prospective study which included 2125 patients with head injury admitted in neurosurgery ward from January 2017 to December 2017.
Results: October and May were months wherein maximum head injury patients were admitted. Population less than 50 years age and male gender were commonly affected. Road traffic accident is the commonest mode of injury. Cerebral contusions were the most common finding. Majority of patients were managed conservatively.
Conclusion: This study reveals that the head injury is one of the major health problems in India and especially eastern UP, Bihar, MP etc. Younger active population less than 50 years age are more commonly encountered with head injury. Road traffic accident is the commonest mode of injury. Males and students are more prone for injury. Brain contusion is the commonest injury seen in CT scans. Majority of patients can be managed conservatively.