Color makes life more attractive and vibrant. Color is a universal substance so it is present everywhere as well as in every object like flowers, trees, sky, butterflies etc. Therfore in Textiles it is used as dye for coloring. There are two types of dyes used, they are Natural and synthetic. Natural colors are eco-friendly and biodegradable, In the present study the natural color was extracted from coconut coir fiber, where the cotton fabric was dipped in the extract supplying different thermal conditions. In the same way the coir extract was treated with Silver nitrate solution and kept in water bath for color change. The cotton fabric was dyed and tests like washing fastness, rubbing fastness, light fastness were performed. The mordants used before dyeing gave permanent and better color for the cloth. The Characterizations like UV Spectroscopy, Atomic force microscopic analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis gave the evidence for the nanoparticle in the solution. For coconut coir extract UV spectral wavelength was 240 nm, and for silver nano particales with coconut coir extract was 380nm. According to the AFM test the size of the particle was 398.4 nm. The FTIR spectrum showed peaks indicating the stabilization molecules in the synthesis of Silver nitrate. Also by degumming the fabric before dyeing gave the more absorbance property for the fabric.