The purpose of this study is to investigatethe perception of educational graduate students in the University of Nizwa towards scientific research ethics. A questionnaire was administered and distributed among educational graduate students at the University of Nizwa to measure their perception of research ethics. Numerical variables were reported as a mean ± standard deviation, descriptive statisticT-testwasalso used for analyses of perceptionof graduate students' responses based on demographic variables of gender, age, and the educational master program. The results of the study revealed that graduate students'perception of research ethicsis moderate in most of the dimensions of the questionnaire, and there were significant differences among graduate students' perception for the favor of male students in the first three dimensions, and there were no significant differences among graduate students' perception in age and educational master program.This study presents information to the university administrators to determine how graduate students should behave towards research ethicsand to reinforce the importance of research ethics, the study also contributes to the body of research on research ethics from the Omani cultural context.