Smiling face expresses joy and self-confidence of an individual. The beauty of smile not only depends upon appearance of teeth alone but gingival tissue also. An attractive smile depends upon gingival health emphasizing on color, size and position of gingiva. Brown colored melanin discoloration of gingival tissues poses a big challenge of achieving gingival esthetics especially in patients having gummy smile. Melanin, a brown pigment, is the most common cause of endogenous pigmentation of gingiva. Gingival melanin pigmentation occurs in all races. The degree of pigmentation varies from person to person with no sex predilection. Patients concerned for esthetic commonly complaint of “brown-black gums” and want to get treated by depigmentation. Till date various treatment modalities (like abrasion, lasers, cryosurgery, scrapping, partial thickness flap, electro surgery etc.)are available for gingival depigmentation having their own advantages and drawbacks/limitations. This paper presents a case of gingival depigmentation done with combination of scalpel surgery and bur abrasion with a brief review of literature about gingival depigmentation.