This study aimed at evaluating the potential of ginger powder to improve the oxidative stability of soybean oil during intermittent frying of plantain chips. Plantain slices were fried in soybean oil with and without 15 g/l of ginger powder.The oils sampled during 5 days of intermittent frying were analyzed for total polar compounds, conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde, vitamin E and fatty acid composition. The results showed that the presence of ginger limited the oxidative deteriorations. Based on comparison of the results of the two types of frying, the formation of total polar compounds, conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde, were reduced respectively by 26.9%, 12.5% and 2.6%while up to 42.4% of vitamin E, and 39 % polyunsaturated fatty acids were preserved. So, the use of ginger powder during intermittent frying of plantain chips could be an alternative way to protect nutritional quality of soybean oils.